• Suggested Reading

    Discover Wellness: How Staying Healthy Can Make You Rich by Michael Zimmerman & Dr. Jason A., Deitch. Discover Wellness teaches us how to avoid the impending health care crisis by staying healthy. Well researched and full of powerful information, Dr. Deitch's book describes the process of staying well

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  • Wellness Glossary

    A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z A Activator: A spring-loaded adjusting instrument that utilizes an extremely rapid pulse to help restore normal functioning in the body. Acupressure: The practice of applying; pressure on parts of the

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  • Strong Lower Backs: Having One That Works

    You never know until you hurt it how much you use your lower back all day long. When your lower back is injured, every movement becomes painful. Simple actions, such as getting out of a chair or bending over the sink, become excruciating, and your daily routine becomes difficult and frustrating. Back

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  • Sleep Better: 8 Simple Steps

    Ten to fifteen percent of Americans suffer from chronic insomnia. Do you? Most of us experience an occasional sleepless night, but prolonged bouts of insomnia can lead to decreased mental function, frazzled nerves, and lowered immunity. The good news is that you don’t have to pop

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  • The Truth About Multivitamins

    During a graduate nutrition course at the University of Minnesota, a professor posed a challenge to the class: Construct a 2000 calorie-per-day diet that at least met the Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA) for vitamins and minerals without the use of supplements. Most of the graduate

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  • Neck Pain: Chiropractic Can Help

    Who hasn't had neck pain at one time or another? What's more, many of us have experienced on-going neck troubles at some point during our lives. Looking at human anatomy, it's no wonder pain strikes us so often in this vulnerable area. While the neck structure gives us an amazing range of movement with

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  • The Bottom Line on the Bird Flu

    It’s hard to turn on the television or listen to the radio without hearing about the dangers of an impending pandemic of the Avian Flu (often called the ‘bird flu’). Day after day, the media interview expert after expert who claim that the bird flu is going to cause massive

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  • Get Healthy, Stay Healthy in the New Year

    So, it's a New Year, which traditionally means it's time for a fresh start. This year, why not make a resolution to improve your health? It's time to start the self-improvement plans we've been putting off for so long. Following these ten tips will increase your chances of living longer

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  • Today's Fashion Can Be Tomorrow's Pain

    Looking your best might not always be the best thing for you. Today's society is extremely fashion and style conscious. Unfortunately, clothing designers and stylists aim to please by creating unique looks that might not always be practical or even comfortable. The look of the season

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  • Travel Can Be a Pain In Your Back

    Traveling can be rough on the body. Whether you are traveling alone on businessor on your way to a sunny resort with your family, long hours in a caror an airplane can leave you stressed, tired, stiff and sore."Prolonged sitting can wreak havoc on your body," says Dr. Scott Bautch, immediate past president

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  • Prepare for Winter Sports Activities

    When snow, ice and frigid weather blast into town, watch out, says the American Chiropractic Association (ACA). Winter recreational activities and chores can pose problems for the outdoor enthusiast whose body is not in condition. Winter sports like skating, skiing and sledding can

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  • Surviving the Holidays

    The day after Thanksgiving is a milestone of sorts in America. It reminds us of just how quickly the year has gone by— and how close we are to the holiday season. This realization— coupled with the fabulous sales at major department stores and malls everywhere— helps make

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  • Don't Let Housework Be a Pain in Your Back

    Household chores can be a pain in the sacroiliac. Unless you're careful, routine activities around the home— washing dishes, vacuuming, even talking on the phone— can strain your back, including the sacroiliac area near the tailbone, and result in debilitating discomfort.

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