Shoulder Injury FAQs

Chiropractic Care for Shoulder Pain

Many conditions can cause shoulder pain, making treatment far more complex than a simple fix. If you've been reviewing the online shoulder questions and not finding answers, it may be time to expand your care options for that much-needed pain relief. If you suffer from shoulder pain, consider a talk to your local chiropractor in Richmond. Our Richmond chiropractor at Ironwood Chiropractic is here to help identify the source of your pain and find solutions.


What Is the First Stage of Treatment?

Our chiropractor will start with inventory and your health history related to shoulder pain. You may be assessed for blood pressure and health vitals, which help rule out emergency care needs. There may be testing of joint movement to identify when your pain is triggered. In addition, your chiropractor may also seek to study your health history.

How Can Chiropractic Care Ease Shoulder Pain?

Chiropractic care is based on the idea that the whole body matters. The larger musculoskeletal system strongly affects the entire body. Our chiropractor will examine your immediate pain and alleviate interlinked problems.

What Techniques Will Our Chiropractor Use?

Chiropractic care typically involves stretching and manipulating the bones and tissues surrounding your joint and your connected spine and limbs. Injury treatment may include taping, wrapping, rest, ice, heat, and sometimes anti-inflammatories. If the source of the injury is unknown, an X-Ray or professional imaging may also be used to determine your care plan.

Supervised care and rehabilitation can relieve significant shoulder pain for acute injuries. However, for chronic wounds, such as arthritis or bursitis, long-term care, and support may be suggested. Our chiropractor may also refer you for surgical or special consultation in rare cases. The idea of chiropractic shoulder pain is rooted in the belief that each patient needs individual treatment to alleviate the symptoms and solve the cause of this pain.

Schedule an Appointment with Us 

We want to ease your shoulder pain as quickly as possible at Ironwood Chiropractic in Richmond. We have the necessary equipment and experience for routine treatments. Once we've agreed upon a treatment method, we will walk you through the process every step of the way. Call our office today at (604) 271-3234 to schedule an appointment.



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